
Perhaps you have a great network of friends by now, but it’s always good to talk to someone your own age, who’s been through what you have. And is probably still going through it!

Many teens and young adults at secondary school or university have had mainly positive experiences with peer groups. But there can be times when we do feel our difference and it can be hard.

Been there, done that…

Here’s what you can find on TeensPlus…

  • TeensPlus Stuff

    Bullying, relationships, becoming an adult

  • Medical Stuff

    Talking about operations and procedures

  • TeensPlus Talk

    Have your say and read what other young people have to say

Share your thoughts

For those who have had to face some difficult situations, there’s nothing like sharing the way you handled them to help others do the same. We have some professional advice of course, but it’s the day to day stuff that is really practical and valuable.

Other support is here too

Cleft New Zealand has been set up to support and provide as much information as possible to everyone at any age, from emotional and psychological, to surgical procedures and options. Talking to parents, family and friends can be a great way to share what may be on your mind. And of course, you can always contact us too.

  • PHONE 0800 4 CLEFT (0800 425 338)

  • For a private personalised response to your question or request ask us your question

Become a Buddy

What do you think about supporting a younger person, someone who was born with a cleft like you and would really like to have an older, wiser buddy who has been there and done that? Let us know if this is a good idea and whether you would like to become a Buddy yourself!